Earth, as a building material, played an important role in making possible the development of the ancient kingdoms along the Nile Valley from its earliest periods. However, this outstanding earthen heritage remains poorly known, while its resulting archaeological assets are increasingly threatened due to neglect, human activities, as well as by climatic and ecological changes (e.g., heavy rains, dam construction, extension of cultivation areas, soil salinisation), etc. The hypothesis of the ANR Nile’s Earth project is that specific solutions are needed to effectively preserve and protect this heritage. Its aim is to explore the potential of multidisciplinary approaches for a better identification and knowledge of these earthen archaeological remains, the assessment of their state of conservation, and the definition of adapted and sustainable conservation methods and techniques. The assumption is that, to be relevant, conservation protocols must rely on a thorough knowledge of ancient building techniques and materials, as well as the original building culture. Within this framework, the Nile’s Earth International Conference aims at stimulating an international debate towards better characterisation and long-term management of earthen architecture of the ancient Nile Valley, including potential lessons to be learnt to address some of the current concerns for a more sustainable development. Researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines are invited to share their own experiences, issues and results on the three main themes of the conference which will be the basis for discussions towards a better knowledge, recognition and valorisation of this outstanding heritage of Egypt and Sudan in accordance with international standards and recommendations.  


THEME 1 Archaeology, Architecture and Building cultures 1.1     History of earthen architecture: origins, evolutions, technological breakthroughs and continuity 1.2     Typologies, functions and uses 1.3     Building techniques, practices and know-how in their historical, environmental and cultural context 1.4     Building design, systems and metrology 1.5     Construction site organisation: production chains, manufacturing processes, workforce, etc. 1.6     Ethnoarchaeology and vernacular traditions 1.7     Ancient maintenance and rehabilitation practices THEME 2 Raw and Building materials 2.1     Characterisation of building materials 2.2     Material analysis (laboratory and field) and protocols 2.3     Geoarchaeological and environmental analyses 2.4     Physico-technical analysis 2.5     Archaeobotanical analysis THEME 3 Conservation, Valorisation and Management 3.1     Threats, circumstances and processes of decay; impact of climatic change 3.2     Condition survey protocols 3.3     Preventive conservation 3.4     Green conservation practices 3.5     Reconstruction: potential and limits with regard to international standards 3.6     Planning, management, community engagement  


Abstracts can be submitted for a paper or a poster. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee resulting in a selection of about 40 papers to be completed before their oral presentation during the conference. All papers and posters will be in English. All oral presentations will be held live and on-site and only after registration. The selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.     SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS


Sept 30th 2022       1st call for abstracts Oct 31th 2022         2nd call for abstracts (recall) Nov 30th 2022         Deadline submission of abstracts Dec 16th 2022         Announcement of selected abstracts and call for papers/posters Apr 28th 2023           Deadline for submission of completed papers and posters / speaker registration Jun 27th 2023          Recommendations and suggestions from the Scientific Committee Jul 4-6th 2023           Nile’s Earth International Conference Aug 31st 2023          Sending of final papers Sept – Oct 2023        Final review by editorial committee Dec 2023                   Publication of the proceedings  

More information about the call for abstracts

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