In response to the significant shortfall in access to education, particularly primary education, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has decided to make this sector one of its priorities.
To this end, with the support of the International Development Association (IDA), the DRC government has set up the Projet d'Appui au Redressement du Secteur de l'Education (PARSE) to support the Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education (MEPSP). Projet d’Appui au Redressement du Secteur de l’Education (PARSE)The main aim of this project is to improve the performance of the education system and create favorable conditions for sustainable development in the sector.
With this in mind, and to help it define its strategy, PARSE called on a consultancy firm to assist it in the development of norms and standards for school construction and rehabilitation, as well as their operating procedures, with a focus on "good quality at low cost"..
Following an international call for tenders, the CRAterre-Urbaplan consortium was selected.
The work was carried out over 6 months, from mid-June to mid-December 2010:
- based on past experience, both nationally and in Africa,
- collecting data from building professionals in the DRC, and
- in consultation with PARSE and its technical committee.
The results of this work were presented in 4 complementary reports:
- Report 1. Review of past and current experiences
- Report 2. Available resources
- Report 3. Architectural and technical standards, costs and impacts
- Report 4. Methods of implementation
The architectural standards and general technical specifications developed as part of the study have been validated and officially endorsed by the DRC government..
Project realization
A comparative study of different construction systems applicable in the DRC was carried out.
CRAterre, Urbaplan, Parse, Professeur Lievin Chirhalwirwa