We are pleased to invite you to the defence of Mampionona Rakotonirina's doctoral thesis entitled: ‘The relevance and impact of an inter-disciplinary approach to post-disaster reconstruction projects: the case of the ANR ReparH programme following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti’.
Economically weak countries hit by extremely violent natural hazards often suffer colossal human, material and economic damage, and call on international solidarity to help them in their post-disaster recovery efforts. In the case of Haiti, following the 2010 earthquake, which left its mark on the island's history, international aid helped the country and its people to rebuild, with the government's watchword being ‘build back better’. This research looks at the links between operational interventions to rebuild and repair housing based on traditional construction and local building cultures, and the research carried out as part of the ReparH (Reconstruire parasinistre en Haïti) programme funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). This was achieved by bringing together a large number of Haitian, French and international players. This form of collaborative work reflects an inter-disciplinary approach. The main question this thesis sought to answer was: what are the interests, issues and factors involved in an inter-disciplinary action-research approach, in a context of post-disaster reconstruction in an economically weak country regularly exposed to natural hazards?
Prepared within the CRAterre team of the Architecture, Environment and Constructive Cultures (AE&CC) research unit of the Grenoble School og Architecture (ENSAG) and as part of the CDP Risk of the IDEX UGA, this research was directed by :
- Thierry JOFFROY, Architect, HDR, Grenoble Alpes University (thesis supervisor)
- Laurent DAUDEVILLE, University Professor, Grenoble Alpes University (Co-supervisor)
The defence will take place :
- Wednesday 18 December 2024, at 14:00 (French time) / 09:00 (Haitian time)
- in the Simounet amphitheatre at ENSAG
60 avenue de Constantine, 38000 Grenoble (Tram A and bus stop Grand'Place)