CRAterre's contribution to the special issue of the magazine L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui - Perspectives durables 2012, with a survey ("Rediscovering earth, an innovative raw material", pp. 14-21) and a story on Haiti ("Haïti. La reconstruction en circuit court", pp. 22-25).
Flip through with Zinio.
La Revue Durable (n°19, February/March 2006), "CRAterre turns raw earth architecture towards the future".
Ecologik, Extracts from the special issue of Architecture de terre (n°12, January/February 2010) :
Reading, listening, watching
About the book "Bâtir en terre, du grain de sable à l'architecture" and the exhibition "Ma Terre première, pour construire demain":
To read
- The press review for: the 2010 edition of the "Le Goût des Sciences" prize of which Laetitia Fontaine and Romain Anger are the winners, in the "generalist" book category, for "Bâtir en terre":
- "Raw earth, material...of the future", in the magazine Science & Viein February 2010, in the "Science & Vie en pratique : à lire" section (pp. 118-119).
- "Solides comme le sable", in the magazine Sciences et Avenirin January 2010, by Azar Khalatbari (p. 91).
- A review by Bernard Quénée (Laboratoire d'études et de recherche sur les matériaux, Arles) of "Bâtir en terre", in the magazine Pour la Science, December 2009, in the "To read" section (pp. 111-112).
- En 2010, build your own earthen house and save the planet", on the website Basta !, in December 2009, by Agnès Rousseaux :
- A review of "Bâtir en terre", in Le journal du CNRS, December 2009 (n°239), under "Guide : livres" (p.40). See also the CNRS website at :
- A review of "Bâtir en terre" (Building with earth), on the:Union des professeurs de physique et de chimie, in Reader's Report no. 919 of the Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens (BUP, December 2009, reference no. 4068).
- "Like a call to wisdom, a planetary journey through earthen architectures", in L’Humanité November 14, 2009, by Marion Sabourdy. Article online on the newspaper's website, at :
- A presentation of "Bâtir en terre", in Fous de sciencesquarterly journal published by Belin, Pour la Science and Le Pommier, October-December 2009 (n°1, p.2). On line on the Le Pommier website, at :
To Listen to
- "La physique des grains", "Impatience" broadcast on Radio Suisse Romande on January 25, 2010:
- A radio interview with Romain Anger by Marie-Odile Monchicourt for France Info (October 2009), on the occasion of the publication of "Bâtir en terre", in the "Info sciences" column:
- "Will tomorrow's buildings be made of earth? a radio interview with Laetitia Fontaine by Marie-Odile Monchicourt for France Info (November 2008), in the "Info sciences" column:
To watch
- The award ceremony video « Le Goût des Sciences 2010 » during which Laetitia Fontaine and Romain Anger were awarded the "generalist" book prize for "Bâtir en terre".
- The video of the authors' presentation of the book, also as part of the 2010 edition of the "Le Goût des Sciences" prize:
- A report on the authors of "Bâtir en terre" (between 1:40 and 4:17) and the book review (between 12:17 and 12:38) in the April 10, 2010 broadcast of Naturbis (France3). See it at :