The project focused on taking stock of the various approaches taken by the Haitian partners who have approached SC/CF, in terms of both temporary and longer-term housing reconstruction.

The aim was to help Secours Catholique / Caritas France (SC/CF) define the support to be provided to its local partners in the field of material and social rehabilitation / reconstruction (training of craftsmen, masons).
- Habitat projects carried out by SC/CF partners are not seen as development projects, but as projects aimed at "giving back" to people at least as much (VEDEK) or much "better" (Cayes) than they had before the crises.
- When it proposes "high-tech" buildings, the Habitat component adds value to the donor. On the other hand, beneficiaries who are used to this type of assistance will have to accept "existing improvement" projects adapted to their capabilities.
- Traditional techniques performed well during the earthquake. They caused little or no loss of life, and preserved expensive parts of the buildings.
- A number of simple, inexpensive techniques can bring significant improvements to existing buildings. Small-scale professional networks can be created. But we need to rethink Habitat projects as emergency responses that will influence the long-term quality of life of local populations.
Project realization
Support in setting up a home improvement project was provided for SC/CF partner VEDEK.
CRAterre, Secours Catholique / Caritas France (SC/CF), Caritas Haïti