TCLA+ is an initiative financed by the European Union and co-financed by Misereor, supported by CRAterre and 4 Haitian partners: ACAPE, ATECO, ATPROCOM and Oser l'Entreprise (Entrepreneurs du Monde Haïti).

The aim of this action is to consolidate and develop the TCLA (Techniques Constructives Locales Améliorées) construction sector for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations of Port-au-Prince and Les Cayes.

As part of this project, a workshop to launch the TCLA+ action entitled "Consolidating and developing the TCLA construction sector for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations of Port-au-Prince and Les Cayes" was held at Quisqueya University on May 19, 20, 21, 2021. Its aim was to raise awareness of the project, its activities and expected results, not only among its target audiences, but also among additional institutions and players with whom the project could interact to broaden its impact. It was intended to provide a forum for exchanging information and experiences, and for reflection on the project's main lines of work and implementation, as well as on the themes of convergence linked to :

  •  urban planning ;
    • Standards,
    • and renewal,
    • Zoning,
    • Services,
    • Uses,
    • Etc.
  •  rebuilding housing in urban areas,
    • Land,
    • Social housing policy,
    • Housing access criteria,
    • Economic means,
    • Resilient urban housing criteria for different populations,
    • The materials
    • Etc.
  • the resilience of low-income populations,
    • hazards,
    • Disaster preparedness,
    • Community practices,
    • Authorities' roles
    • Etc.

The workshop was structured around three days of work to clarify and discuss :

  • Day 1: The setting
  • Day 2: Housing production dynamics
  • Day 3: Stakeholder networks

See also the September 24, 2021 article entitled « Nouveau séisme en Haïti : reconstruire en améliorant la résilience est possible ! »


Funding: European Union and Misereor, Sponsor: CRAterre Partners: ACAPE, ATECO, ATPROCOM and Oser l'Entreprise (Entrepreneurs du Monde Haïti).