
To combat deforestation and improve access to housing for the poorest people by setting up a sustainable network of skills capable of proposing the most appropriate technical solutions for each context encountered, in the fields of building technology using local materials and low-cost housing.
The program's target group was teachers, students, craftsmen and building trade instructors.

All the construction techniques used in the Bushenyi district and more generally in Uganda consume huge quantities of wood, creating a huge deforestation problem. As a result, the price of wood is rising sharply and becoming less and less accessible to village associations and disadvantaged local populations. New technologies (BTC) or those recently introduced in the region (adobe, bauge) may offer a solution, but they need to be improved, valorized and promoted.

The project involved training students and their trainers both at university level in Kampala and in the technical schools of Bushenyi. Teaching kits and awareness-raising materials were developed, and numerous technical training sessions were organized on site during the construction of demonstration buildings.


  • Setting up of training curricula integrating the themes addressed by the project in the project's partner training institutions;
  • Development of a center of excellence for building with local materials at Makerere University (reinforcement of the EU-funded HRDP program);
  • Acceleration of the school infrastructure construction program in the district.


Kyamuhunga Technical Institute – Bushenyi, Ugandan Technical College – Bushenyi, Makerere University – Department of Architecture – Kampala, Rukararwe Partnership Workshop for Rural Development (RPWRD) – Kampala, Bushenyi Local Government, Etudiants, artisans, formateurs, enseignants, Commission Européenne, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères, Ambassade de France en Ouganda.