The Laboratory is associated to several Universities to supervise doctoral theses

CRAterre-ENSAG, as a research laboratory of the Architecture, Environment and Construction Cultures Unit (AE&CC) of the National School of Architecture of Grenoble (ENSAG) is connected to the system of the Doctoral School nº454 “Political, Human and Territory Sciences” (Pierre-Mendès-France University, Joseph Fournier University, ENSAG et UMR Pacte).

The AE&CC research unit currently supervises 16 research theses, of which 10 are for CRAterre-ENSAG and six for Construction Cultures. In addition, numerous foreign PhD students are hosted regularly for supervised scientific residencies (15 days to 3 months).

Partners on a national level include:
  • The Grenoble Institute of Urbanism of Pierre-Mendès-France University (Professors Gilles Novarina and Yves Chalas) ;
  • l'UMR 5664 CNRS, INPG/LTHE - IRD of the Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble, the Laboratory for the Study of Hydrology and Environment Transfers (LTHE) of the Joseph Fourier University of  Grenoble (Dir. Jean Paul Laurent);
  • l'UMR 7615 CNRS, School of Physics and Industrial Chemistry (ESPCI), Structural chemical physics and macro-molecular laboratory (Dir. Henri Van Damme);
  • l'INSA, Lyon;
  • County Council (‘Conseil Général’) of Saône-et-Loire (CIFRE);
  • Estate Agent Society of Reunion Island (CIFRE).