Project Sheet

Inscription of the Askias Tombs on the World Heritage List

Country : Mali
Date : 2001 - 2002
Continent(s) : Africa
Theme(s) : Heritage
Program : Africa 2009

The Askia Tomb was built in 1495 by Askia Mohammed, Emperor of the Songhaï empire. It is the only almost intact physical remain left from this historical period. For this reason, the DNPC decided to inscribe this property on the tentative List of Mali and further to request assistance from the Africa 2009 programme for helping with the process.


  • Inscribe the Askia Tombs on the World Heritage List
  • Prepare a management plan for the site
  • Ensure long term protection of the site values

As it had already been done in Uganda, this was achieved through preparing the management plan first, and based on it, filling the nomination form. The process was successfully achieved and resulted in the inscription of the Askia Tomb on the World Heritage List in July, 2004.
During the preparation of the management plan, a number of interesting points were raised. It was agreed that the innovative ways in which the conservation of such a heritage site was considered would be of great interest for the Africa 2009 programme. First of all, promotional materials (postcards, booklet...) were produced for sale at the site, allowing to generate funds to reduce the expenses needed for regular maintenance (plastering of walls and roofs). Another innovative feature was that the re-plantation of specific species of trees around the site, in view of replacing the wooden elements fixed on the walls that serve as permanent scaffolding for the regular plastering. This, together with the fact that Gao had been the first city in Africa to have specific regulations for its buffer zone (prepared in partnership with the Ministry of housing and urban planning) has made this project very innovative. All these results have been shared at the occasion of a national seminar in which decision makers from all four World Heritage sites in Mali participated.


  • Site inscribed on the World Heritage List
  • Management reinforced
  • Tree nursery in place
  • Promotional products made (booklet and postcards)
  • Project management often regarded as a success story and presented as a case study in many courses


Direction nationale du patrimoine culturel du Mali, les chefs traditionnels, Direction Régionale de la Jeunesse, des Sports, des Arts et de la Culture, Division Patrimoine Culturel (DRJSAC) de Gao, Musée du Sahel de Gao, les membres du comité de gestion de la mosquée, les responsables du Haut Commissariat de la Région de Gao, Ministère de l'habitat et de l'urbanisme.